Sea moss, a type of red algae that is commonly referred to as Irish moss, has recently gained popularity in the health and wellness sphere. Because it is rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, sea moss is often lauded for its health benefits, with claims ranging from boosting immunity to improving digestion.
However, like any other supplement, it's essential to first sift through the hype about sea moss. So, before you start taking it, you must first consider both its benefits and potential side effects, as well as fully understand who should avoid taking it.
Note: Be sure to seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have about incorporating sea moss into your diet.
What Are the Health Benefits of Sea Moss?
People have been eating sea moss for years. But it’s only recently that scientists are beginning to research and understand the potential medical benefits of consuming it. Below are just some of the reported benefits of taking sea moss, whether in gel, pill, or powder form.